I was in prison, and you visited me. I was hungry and you fed me.
When we worked in Cameroon, I was involved in a ministry at the Central Prison of Yaoundé. This included worship, evangelism, baptisms, and providing food, medicine, and Bibles to a growing community of believers in this prison. In fact while I served as a chaplain in this ministry, we watched this small gathering of Christians grow into a functioning church–all within the walls of the prison. It was a privilege to work alongside a Cameroonian friend, Emmanuel Chongwan, who was passionately involved in this work among the prisoners and has become a devoted leader and pastor that brings the light and love of Christ to several prisons in different parts of Cameroon. So I share this update from Emmanuel as a celebration of how God is at work among prisoners of Cameroon.
Dear friends of the prison ministry in Cameroon,
Much has happened since our last newsletter. Thank you for your prayer and financial support. God is doing amazing things in prison! One of the leaders in the Central prison had quite a life as an armed robber. He dressed in a suit, but wore two pistols. He got wealthy men to stop their cars and then stole a lot of money from them. He finally got caught. He came to Christ months ago and now leads Bible studies in the prison.
In March 2016 over 2000 prisoners heard the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Large rallies were held in the Yaoundé Principal Prison, the Yaoundé Central Prison, Bamenda Central Prison, and the Ndop Prison. Many hundreds made decisions for Christ in the Central and the Northwest Regions. During the Easter break Mary Chongwan shared the gospel with eight youth in prison and they came to Christ. In April 2016, large gatherings were held in prisons in Batouri, Bertoua, and two prisons in Yaoundé. Over 1500 prisoners heard the gospel proclaimed and hundreds came to Christ in the Central and East Regions of Cameroon.
Give praise that:
Many souls have been won
God has provided for this ministry
Pray that:
Prisoners who came to Christ will grow in their relationship with God
More doors will be open for ministry
More funds will come in for the ministry
Mary Chongwan will be transferred to Yaoundé from the East Region
Postscript: Cherie and I continue to support this ministry with our prayers and finances. We will be able to visit Cameroon again in June, and it is my hope to be able to visit Emmanuel
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