Year end reflections. New year planning.
A Christmas Letter of Thanks from Roger and Cherie Hanggi
Serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators
As God has blessed us in 2017, we pray that He may bless you in this next year–deepening your faith with a living hope so He may lead you with joy in the year ahead.
The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel (which means ‘God with us’).
Once again, we reflect on our lives and understand that the story of Christmas fulfilled long ago, is still an unfolding story in our lives today. We ponder the promise that God is with us, and we add our hearts and voices to the continuing chorus that thanks God for what He has done and continues to do in our lives. Cherie and I also reflect on the amazing sacrifice and generosity of prayers, love, and finances that so many have poured out to allow our continued work in missions and Bible translation, and we thank God and thank you. You are an amazing partner as we are on mission together, sharing God’s work of reaching the world with His Word.
2017 has shown strong progress toward our goal of translating the Word for every language where there is a need. This year, 22 Bibles and 49 New Testaments have been completed (and many more will be reported in the next months). Work also began in 155 new languages!
2017 has also been a year of encouragement and success in the work of progress.Bible, Roger’s primary focus of work. This project is designed to support the global mission community as it provides accurate information that supports wise decisions; monitors work by participating organizations in order to avoid duplication of efforts; and most importantly provides a place for Great Commission partners to coordinate efforts and make plans together. A few years ago, most mission organizations worked in isolation and sometimes in competition. Today, more than 200 mission organizations participate in progress.Bible and demonstrate their commitment to Christian unity as we bring God’s Word to all people. This also means that we have succeeded in building the trust with many organizations to make this possible. Roger is thankful to be a part of this.
Our family has been blessed this year. Cherie has been working as a home hospice nurse, which gives her daily opportunities to share her love and faith as people transition into the end of their lives. Roger has been very busy with progress.Bible, as well as teaching a Bible study class on Sundays. Together, we enjoyed an amazing trip in May to visit friends and the take in the beauty of Washington State. Bryan continues to work for Google, and is often able to stop for visits as he passes through Dallas. Michelle is now beginning her final semester and writing her thesis for a master’s program with a focus on intercultural mediation. We are all enjoying a Christmas and New Year celebration together in Dallas. God has been good!
As we look forward to 2018, we are planning significant changes in our lives and location. Roger’s dad has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Since he has been the caregiver for Roger’s mom (after her 60 years of crippling arthritis), this is a significant challenge in their future. After prayer and conversations with them, Roger and Cherie will be moving to Minnesota in April in order to help them remain in their home and enjoy as much independence for as long as possible. After living on a different continent or different state for so long, this feels like the right thing to do. Roger will continue his work through Wycliffe from this new location.
I continue to share regular updates via this blog site. This makes it possible to share more updates, more often. However, this does not notify you when a new report is posted. So I am again asking for your help. If you use e-mail, please send me an e-mail message at the address This will give me your address, and each time I add a blog post, I will send you the same update by email. If you are willing, I look forward to hearing from you so you can better hear from us.
At the end of another year, thank you for your amazing interest, prayers, or generous giving to support our work through Wycliffe Bible Translators. It is true that we could not do this work without you. Please know that you are an amazing and appreciated partner in the work of bringing God’s Word to the world. May God bless you as you have been such a blessing to us!
Roger and Cherie Hanggi
Supporting Bible translation through Wycliffe Bible Translators and Progress.Bible
Contact by Email: roger Phone: (214) 298-2806 Mail: 320 Melody Ln, Duncanville TX 75116
To send gifts or support: Wycliffe Bible Translators, P.O. Box 628200, Orlando FL 32862-8200 Phone: (800) WYCLIFFE
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