Making every effort
This past week, I led devotions for our small team and we explored 2 Peter 3:14-16. As we reflected on this message, we heard Peter’s challenging words, “Make every effort to be found spotless, blameless, and at peace with him [God].” One of my teammates shared honest confusion that she did not know how to make any further effort as she personally and our team are doing so much already. We pursue holiness. We try to be obedient. We risk burning out with our efforts to support Bible translation and bring unity to the work of dozens of mission partners–such an immense job for such a small team. What more are we supposed to do?
This heartfelt lament gave us the opportunity to hear in a new way Peter’s challenge to make every effort. Like a breath of grace, we began to understand that maybe this is not saying we need to try harder to do more. Maybe Peter is redirecting our hearts, because being found spotless, blameless, and at peace are not things we can do or achieve by our efforts. These are gifts from God through Jesus. Perhaps Peter is helping us to understand that our ultimate success is not what we do for God, but rather when we live and act with God. Living fully surrendered to God’s purposes, leaning into God and trusting Him to give us what only He can give–forgiveness that makes us blameless and spotless; love and grace that gives us peace.
This was for me a week that began with anxiousness about the immensity of our efforts in missions, all that we are trying to achieve for God, all our goals and timelines. But I am ending the week with a precious change in focus–trusting God first, and seeing how He will work in me and through me and with me to advance His kingdom. I am ending the week holding onto precious promises that I have been washed clean in Jesus blood. I am spotless and blameless because I am forgiven. And instead of filling my heart with anxiousness, I am able to be let God fill me with his peace. Then if I make every effort to keep these gifts alive with a God-focus, I am sure that He can do the impossible and do things bigger than anything I could do, as I work for Him…no, as I work with Him.
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